A few things about me
I am a web professional living and working in the Greater Boston area. My favorite beer is Sam Adams’ Summer Ale. I’m pretty handy around the house but I can’t get most jobs done without injury. I spend too much time at Home Depot. My first website (on geocities) was a U2 fansite.
Where has the time gone
I remember when Photoshop didn’t come with layers, when javascript rollovers weren’t supported and when CSS wasn’t even on the radar. Where has the time gone. I can`t imagine what it would be like doing something else for living. Thanks Interweb!
New Blackberry
I just got my new Blackberry 8700g from T-mobile. The edge network is way fast and the screen very nice. I’m definitely impressed. It’s way better than my last BB. I set up the email Google App to receive my edwardramos.com emails and it works great!
City Year
I’m now working at City Year. Unfortunately my last employer had to close up shop. However, I guess everything happens for a reason because I have found a new home at City Year and I am so excited to be there. Check out our site at http://www.cityyear.org.
Safari on Windows
Apple has developed Safari for Windows. The browser is actually very quick and works well. I did have some minor issues on one website. So far it works great, especially for a beta release.
American Idol
The season finale of AI was last night and I missed it. However, here is my favorite performance of this season.
New blog software
It’s funny how many times I’ve changed my blog software. I keeep finding something better and then I have to deal with transferring all of my posts to the new system. I hope this is it for now. Thanks BlogCFM.
Personalized Gmail
I just finished setting up Gmail for edwardramos.com. Not only do I get to keep my email address @ but I get all the goodies that come with gmail. Way cool!
Denis Leary donates boat
Denis Leary and The Leary Firefighters Foundation have donated a fireboat to the Boston Fire Department. The new boat will be named “The Norman Knight”. Leary created the foundation when his cousin and a childhood friend was killed during the 1999 Worcester warehouse fire.