I received my debit card from Simple recently. The packaging was very cool. I will keep posting more about my experiences.
Basement floors
I’m installing my new interlocking tiles for my basement floors from Modutile and its going very well. It is much easier than I imagined it would be. Cutting the pieces for the edges takes a little effort but not much. I’m using an oscillating saw which is probably not the most efficient way to cut […]
2012 London Olympics
Watching the 2012 London Olympics on my new LG 50″ HDTV flat screen and loving it! Go USA!
8 Ways to Kill Your ECM Project
A few things about me
I am a web professional living and working in the Greater Boston area. My favorite beer is Sam Adams’ Summer Ale. I’m pretty handy around the house but I can’t get most jobs done without injury. I spend too much time at Home Depot. My first website (on geocities) was a U2 fansite.