This site has been in existence, intermittently, for over 20 years. It originally began as a portfolio site when I first started out as a web designer. Later, it evolved into a blog, running on various platforms such as WordPress, BlogCFM, and other content management systems. Eventually, I developed a custom CMS using Macromedia’s CFML/Coldfusion language. As a blog, I utilized Google AdSense ads, which generated enough revenue to support my nasty tech habit.
Over the years, this site has served as a playground for experimenting with different technologies. Nowadays, it remains active primarily for posterity. It also functions as a bookmark tool for interesting finds on the internet, a repository for the occasional “shout out” to people who make this world wonderful, and a platform for me to continue experimenting when time permits. While I may take it down someday, for now, it endures as a testament to past endeavors.
Onwards and upwards,
Edward Ramos